Our expertise : since 1940

Since 1940, it is now the 3th generation which continues the adventure of cultivating in our fertile land in full sun with more than 50,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables produced each year.

  • We have a wide choice of varietal selection rich in flavors suitable for export.
  • Our vegetables and fruits take the time to grow well in full sun at a regular temperature.
  • Plant protection through natural biological control, which consists of introducing useful insects into the greenhouse to protect plants by eliminating harmful insects.
  • Natural pollination with the introduction of bumblebees in the talons.
  • Regulation of water supply and nutrients by a drip irrigation system that provides the plant with the necessary for development in the best conditions.

Our territory

Territoire agricole

Today the region of SOUSS MASSA is the leading producer of high quality vegetables and fruits for the national and international market.

Its success is due to:

  • The soil and climate conditions are quite favorable, improving the productivity of crops.
  • Control of production: know-how of farmers, support by agricultural advisers and agricultural research institutes (INRA, ONCA, FIFEL, APEFEL, etc.).
  • Long growing season, especially in our region with more than 3000 hours / year of sunshine and a regular temperature.
  • Efficient packaging, storage and export infrastructure.
  • Favorable geographical location, providing a better export platform to the European Union, Russia, Africa and the east coast of the United States.